Delicious Dilemma

Delicious Dilemma

Charlie and Mackenzie try to solve a problem when the perfectly round and red apples are just too high to reach. What a dilemma!


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Gotcha Goat

Gotcha Goat

Uh oh! Goats – they’re mischievous, curious, and playful! Follow the adventures of Gotcha Goat as she expands her boundaries to the other side of the fence and explores her world beyond.


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Lucy's Lamb

Lucy's Lamb

When Lucy declares that Shelby has the prettiest lamb in the barn, her mom invites Lucy to name her new lamb. We think you’ll agree that it’s the perfect name!


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Allie's Alpacas

Allie's Alpacas

Allie’s Alpacas takes the reader on a delightful and educational trip to the countryside. This book combines confidence boosting language with an engaging, interesting and fun story about life with Farmer Allie and her colourful charges. As the children from Mr. Thompson’s class concluded: “This is the best trip ever!”


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Paisley's Pumpkin

Paisley's Pumpkin

Curious country girl Paisley spots a little, green sprout poking through the compost pile. What happens next will take Paisley from spring, through summer, and into fall. See the cycle of growth and life mirrored between Paisley, the baby swallows, and the pumpkins.


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Allie's Alpacas

Allie's Alpacas


Delicious Dilemma

Delicious Dilemma


Gotcha Goat

Gotcha Goat


Lucy's Lamb

Lucy's Lamb


Paisley's Pumpkin

Paisley's Pumpkin



Curious country girl Paisley spots a little, green sprout poking through the compost pile. What happens next will take Paisley from spring, through summer, and into fall. See the cycle of growth and life mirrored between Paisley, the baby swallows, and the pumpkins.